Could Pomegranates Be The New Prostate Cancer Natural Cure?


Prostate cancer research has uncovered some promising early results for pomegranate juice and extracts. Learn how they may help prostate cancer, and the mechanisms by which they can affect a tumor.

prostate cancer research, prostate cancer, prostate cancer news, prostate cancer natural cure

Pomegranates have long been used in traditional folk remedies to treat sore throats, inflammation, and rheumatism. And recent scientific research has suggested they are also potentially effective in both preventing and treating prostate cancer.

One study, conducted on human prostate cancer cells in lab dishes, at the University of Wisconsin, found that there were dose dependant improvements. Another study at the same facility injected mice with human prostate cancer cells. These mice developed malignancies. Some mice were fed plain water, whilst two other groups of mice were given water mixed with different concentrations of pomegranate extract.

Those mice that had water only had tumors that grew much faster than the pomegranate and water groups. The quantities given to the mice were comparable to that which people might get if they drank pomegranate juice on a daily basis. And whilst pomegranate juice hasn’t been tested on humans with prostate cancer yet, the results are very good.

The study did not indicate what aspects of pomegranate juice were responsible for slowing down prostate tumour growth. But the scientists involved did mention the antioxidant polyphenolic compounds, which are more effective than green tea and red wine.

Pomegranate extract not only inhibited the growth of cancer cells, it also worked by another means – apoptosis.

Apoptosis refers to a way that cells can die. Cancer growths are characterized by an uncontrolled growth of cells that do not follow the normal processes of cellular differentiation of regular, healthy cells. Cellular differentiation means that the characteristics of a cell change and get the functions that a mature, healthy cell would. For example, liver cells have specialized liver functions, as do prostate, breast, kidney, and all other types of cells. This is normal and healthy.

In tumour growths, although some cells fully differentiate, many only differentiate partially, and some not at all. And the tumors which have more undifferentiated cells grow faster. So, inducing cellular differentiation is one approach to cancer treatment. The other two ways that doctors and researchers try to treat cancer is by causing the death of cancerous cells. They do this through apoptosis, mentioned above, and necrosis.

In apoptosis, cell death is programmed into the cell when it is ‘born’. So the cell dies in a more natural way that is less destructive on its environment. By this I mean it doesn’t cause inflammation and the damage associated with it to neighboring cells that may be healthy. Cells die either when they reach cellular old age or when their death benefits the body as a whole. Necrosis, on the other hand, does cause inflammation.

Generally, prostate cancer grows very slowly, although it is unpredictable and can grow quickly and spread.

1. John Boik, Cancer and Natural Medicine (Oregon Medical Press, 1996)
2. Australian Healthy Food, March, 2006

The Brave Attempt to Stop Smoking

Perhaps, you have heard a lot of people say that smoking is an old habit that dies hard. Smoking can become very addictive, and once a smoker becomes dependent on its substance, he will definitely lose most of his strength to steer clear from such addiction. Despite all the reminders of advertisements and all the warnings given by medical professionals regarding the harmful effects of smoking to one’s health, a lot of people are still lured by the aroma of a burning cigarette; and before they know it, they are already too hooked on smoking to quit it. And then, for any reason, they will begin to stop smoking, but then they will feel too weak to fight the urge to smoke again.

Smokers may say that they will stop smoking in due time. But when really is the right time to stop smoking? Don’t they know that the longer they prolong their addiction, the harder it shall be for them to quit it? Why wait for tomorrow, when you are already a victim now? In waiting, you are just waiting for the consequences of your actions to become more serious than it already is. Listen to what health practitioners are saying; take the brave attempt to quit smoking now.

In quitting, your tool winning tool is your willpower and determination. People may tell you how to go about the quitting process, but it is really your focus that will help you get through the rehabilitation. Just remember that it is never going to be a quick change, it would definitely require you to work hard for your goal. Do not look for the easy way out, keep in mind that you should do it slowly but surely.

Set your goals, and take note of the reasons why you are finally stopping. Emphasize on the benefits that you will get when you are finally a non-smoker instead of using all its harmful effects to scare you into quitting. The reward is a better motivation than the punishment. And as you set your goals, remember that there are trials as you quit smoking, such as the withdrawal stage, and this may be toughest part. You should be prepared when these symptoms occur.

You should plan activities that would keep your mind of smoking. Enjoy sports, or pamper yourself by going to the spa, or watching movies. Try to see how much productive you can be by doing all these things than just smoking. The money you are spending is well spent as well, and it is not just wasted on a bad vice. For the time being, hang out with your friends who are not smoking and surround yourself with an environment that would really make your forget about smoking.

Bear in mind that you are the key to the success of your battle against smoking. It is your determination that will push you to reach your goal. No matter how much people remind you to stop smoking, it is always you who has the last say. So, you should stay focused and determined.

And, you should know that if you are planning to stop smoking, now is the best time. Today is better than tomorrow, and this will certainly make your future a lot brighter and healthier. Do it now, be brave enough to stop smoking.

Vitamins and Supplements for Stress

Stress can come from many things in life and sometimes from a lot of things at once. Stress hits everyone on a daily basis, and most of us can deal with it, but long term stress is another story. This is stress that is beyond someone’s control, like long term financial problems or a family crisis. This kind of stress can wear a person down both physically and mentally, and over time can take its toll.

Although everyone experiences stress, not everyone handles it constructively. The body can handle some stress, whether it is physical or mental. Stress first physically manifests itself through the digestive and intestinal systems. This can result in ulcers, colitis, high blood pressure, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. If these initial conditions are not handled properly, then more serious illnesses can result, including damage to the central nervous system. Anyone who is experiencing long term stress to this degree should seek medical help. In addition, there are vitamins and supplements that can help, especially under care from a doctor.

One of the better amino acid supplements to aid in relieving stress is glutamine. The research on glutamine shows that it is an essential supplement for anyone who is ill and under stress. Glutamine strengthens immunity, and hastens recovery from stress related illnesses. Glutamine does this by strengthening muscles weakened by stress and illness. If you are ill from stress, glutamine is the most important supplement to add to your diet.

If you are going to take glutamine for stress, you should take it in the form of a powder. The powder doesn’t have a taste and dissolves easily in liquids. Glutamine can be taken in higher doses, up to 40, 000 milligrams, with no adverse side effects.

Pantothenic Acid or vitamin B5 is also helpful for healing the damages of stress. Known as the “antistress” vitamin, Pantothenic acid plays a role in the production of the adrenal hormones and formation of antibodies, aids in vitamin utilization, and helps to convert fats, carbohydrates, and protein into energy. It is found in every cell in the body, so if you are low on Vitamin B5, it will affect your entire system.

Plenty of B-complex vitamins are essential for fighting stress. The B-complex vitamins are very important for the proper functioning of the nervous system, which takes a beating during stressful times. Vitamin B-complex injections are immediately helpful in reducing the damage to the immune system. They also aid in improving brain function and reducing anxiety. These kinds of shots can be obtained from a licensed physician.

A combination of 200 to 400 milligrams of magnesium, 10 to 100 milligrams of B-complex vitamins, and 500 to 3,000 milligrams of vitamin C are recommended by the American Holistic Medical Association to relieve stress and repair stress related damage to the body. The magnesium blocks the damaging effects of excess adrenaline. Animal studies show that physical damage cause by stress is minimized by the vitamin B-complex and the vitamin C.

There are also other holistic remedies beside vitamins and supplements that can relieve temporary stress and help you feel relaxed. Holistic remedies include teas, herbs, flower concoctions, aromatherapy and reflexology.

No matter how you look at it, stress can have a great impact on your life. Vitamins and supplements can help a great deal, but they can only do so much. If you are dealing with long-term stress, then it probably best to work out a game plan about how you want to deal with the situation at hand. That is when vitamins and supplements will be of greater use.

If you feel stressed beyond the point where you think that vitamins and supplements will help, then you need to get professional medical help. This may include therapy and stronger medications that will help you until a major problem in your life has been solved. However, if you think you are experiencing minor, everyday stress, then it might be helpful to go the health food store and check out the selection of vitamins and supplements they have for stress.

Word Count 678

Exercise and Hypertension

It seems as though many Americans are living a life that leads to high blood pressure or hypertension. As people age, the situation gets worse. Nearly half of all older Americans have hypertension. This disease makes people five times more prone to strokes, three times more likely to have a heart attack, and two to three times more likely to experience a heart failure.

The problem with this disease is that nearly one third of the folks who have hypertension do not know it because they never feel any direct pain. But overtime the force of that pressure damages the inside surface of your blood vessels.

However, according to experts, hypertension is not predestined. Reducing salt intake, adopting a desirable dietary pattern losing weight and exercising can all help prevent hypertension.

Obviously, quitting bad habits and eating a low fat diet will help, but the most significant part that you can do is to exercise. And just as exercise strengthens and improves limb muscles, it also enhances the health of the heart muscles.

Heart and Exercise

The exercise stimulates the development of new connections between the impaired and the nearly normal blood vessels, so people who exercise had a better blood supply to all the muscle tissue of the heart.

The human heart basically, supply blood to an area of the heart damaged in a “myocardial infarction.” A heart attack is a condition, in which, the myocardium or the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen and other nutrients and so it begins to die.

For this reason and after a series of careful considerations, some researchers have observed that exercise can stimulate the development of these life saving detours in the heart. One study further showed that moderate exercise several times a week is more effective in building up these auxiliary pathways than extremely vigorous exercise done twice as often.

Such information has led some people to think of exercise as a panacea for heart disorders, a fail-safe protection against hypertension or death. That is not so. Even marathon runners that have suffered hypertension, and exercise cannot overcome combination of other risk factor.

What Causes Hypertension?

Sometimes abnormalities of the kidney are responsible. There is also a study wherein the researchers identified more common contributing factors such as heredity, obesity, and lack of physical activity. And so, what can be done to lower blood pressure and avoid the risk of developing hypertension? Again, exercise seems to be just what the doctor might order.

If you think that is what he will do, then, try to contemplate on this list and find some ways how you can incorporate these things into your lifestyle and start to live a life free from the possibilities of developing hypertension. But before you start following the systematic instructions, it would be better to review them first before getting into action.

1. See your doctor
Check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. If you make any significant changes in your level of physical activity – particularly if those changes could make large and sudden demands on your circulatory system – check with your doctors again.

2. Take it slow

Start at a low, comfortable level of exertion and progress gradually. The program is designed in two stages to allow for a progressive increase in activity.

3. Know your limit

Determine your safety limit for exertion. Use some clues such as sleep problems or fatigue the day after a workout to check on whether you are overdoing it. Once identified, stay within it. Over-exercising is both dangerous and unnecessary.

4. Exercise regularly

You need to work out a minimum of three times a week and a maximum of five times a week to get the most benefit. Once you are in peak condition, a single workout a week can maintain the muscular benefits. However, cardiovascular fitness requires more frequent activity.

5. Exercise at a rate within your capacity

The optimum benefits for older exercisers are produced by exercise at 40% to 60% of capacity.

Indeed, weight loss through exercise is an excellent starting point if you wan tot prevent hypertension. Experts say that being overweight is linked to an increased risk of developing hypertension, and losing weight decreases the risk.

Sun Exposure & UV Rays: The Basic Facts


The human body benefits from sun exposure. And a little bit of tan protects you from the sun. Right? Wrong! The body does indeed benefit from sun exposure. But a little bit of tan does not necessarily protect you from the sun. Let’s see why.

sun exposure,uv rays, melanin,vitamin D, tanning,UVA, UVB,skin cancer, sun damage, cancer

The human body benefits from sun exposure. And a little bit of tan protects you from the sun. Right? Wrong!

The body does indeed benefit from sun exposure. But a little bit of tan does not necessarily protect you from the sun. Let’s see why.

The sun’s rays are a major source of vitamin D and help the body’s systems acquire much needed calcium for building healthy bones. However, most people don’t need to spend large amounts of time exposed to the sun in order to get their required amount of vitamin D.

In fact, the body’s health can actually suffer negative effects when it’s exposed too long to the sun’s rays, especially if it’s unprotected. Results can vary from skin and eye damage to immune system suppression and ultimately cancer, even for the young.

So let’s look at the basic facts about sun exposure.

There are three kinds of invisible ultraviolet (UV) rays in the sun that reaches earth: UVA, UVB, and UVC. When these rays come in contact with our skin, affects of UVA and UVB can be – tans, burns and other reactions (e.g. like acne and cancer).

It’s also notable that the effects of all UV rays are not the same. Depending upon the season, time of day and place on the planet in relation to the sun – (i.e. your altitude and latitude), the rays?intensities vary. For example, during summertime, UV rays are at their strongest. Between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., the rays are strongest. And close to the equator and at high altitudes (where air and cloud cover are less, resulting in increased harmful penetration of UV rays into the environment), the rays are also strongest.

In order to protect ourselves from the harmful UV rays, let’s look at the skin’s first defense – melanin.

Melanin is a chemical present in a variety of colors and concentrations in most people’s skin that helps with defense from the sun. Melanin reacts with UV rays and absorbs them. Or rather, to be more specific, the rays act upon melanin, causing the melanin to spread out or grow, increasing its presence in response to the sun’s exposure. The result? A ‘sun tan? The darker the skin color, the more melanin the skin has for protection. And ‘tanning?for darker color is included here; ‘color?does not have to refer to just the original skin color.

A word of caution?
Tanning may look great on the surface, – but the amount and length of time a person is exposed to the sun, determines the amount of possible damage. It also determines the future risk of damage that’s likely.

For example, people who are exposed to the sun in huge doses like ship crews, field workers and beach surfers, are at higher risks for skin damage than indoor workers. What happens is that when the amount of UV exposure is greater than what the skin’s melanin can handle, sunburn can result. And those with lighter, fairer skin, who have less melanin, absorb less UV, suffering less protection.

Since research has shown that UV damage from the sun is the main cause of skin cancer, (with as high as 20% of some populations developing skin cancer during their lifetime), we need to take a proactive approach in relation to sun exposure to avoid harmful skin damage.

As we say colloquially here in Australia – “Slip, Slop, Slap? (I.e. ‘Slip?on a shirt, ‘Slop?on a hat, ‘Slap?on a sunscreen). Look after the skin you’ve got, because you’re the one who will be living with it!

The Lifesaving Road Trip Screening Tour Raises Awareness About Skin Cancer


The statistics are staggering–and growing. More than 1.5 million people will be diagnosed with skin cancer this year. Caught in the early stages, skin cancer is treatable.

The Lifesaving Road Trip Screening Tour Raises Awareness About Skin Cancer

The statistics are staggering-and growing. More than 1.5 million people will be diagnosed with skin cancer this year. There are more new cases of skin cancer in the U.S. than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer combined. The key to keeping skin healthy? Detect and treat skin cancer as early as possible. Caught in the early stages, skin cancer is treatable.

“Many people are at risk, but skin cancer is also one of the most preventable and treatable forms of cancer,” says Dr. Mark Lebwohl, Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York.

To raise awareness of skin cancer and early detection and treatment, The Skin Cancer Foundation and Doak Dermatologics, a division of Bradley Pharmaceuticals, Inc., have joined forces on an innovative public service campaign. Throughout 2006, The Skin Cancer Screening Tour is heading to major cities across the U.S. to perform this important service.

Doak Dermatologics has built a custom-designed Mobile Diagnosis Vehicle (MDv) that will be staffed by local, board-certified dermatologists in each city, ready to offer free skin cancer screenings. The physicians will be looking for four primary forms of skin cancer or precancerous skin conditions:

1. Actinic Keratosis (AK), which affects 1.3 million people annually. AK is the most common type of precancerous skin lesion. If left untreated, AK can lead to squamous cell carcinoma.

2. Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) is a form of skin cancer that affects 200,000 Americans each year. SCC can metastasize (spread) quickly. SCCs that metastasize most often arise on mucous membranes or lips.

3. Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is a common form of skin cancer, affecting more than 800,000 Americans annually. Chronic exposure to sunlight is most often the cause of BCC, which occurs most frequently on exposed parts of the body.

4. Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer and has increased more rapidly than any other form of skin cancer during the past 10 years. By 2010, melanoma is projected to rise in one in 50 Americans. If diagnosed and removed early, melanoma is almost 100% curable.

Get Screened Today!

When The Skin Cancer Screening Tour comes to town, be sure to pay it a visit. Of course, you don’t have to wait for the MDv to get screened. Make an appointment with your local dermatologist for a screening as soon as you can.

Whether it’s on the MDv or with your dermatologist, the important thing is to get screened early and, if required, treated. It could save your life.

A cross-country tour is helping drive many people toward better health.

How To Find Out If You Have Skin Cancer


The process of detecting skin cancer, the most common form of cancer in the United States, can be practiced with a monthly self examination combined with a yearly visit to your doctor. Early detection is key because, if diagnosed soon enough, skin cancer is almost always curable.

There are three main types of skin cancer, all of which are visible if you know what to look for. Melanoma, one of the main forms of skin cancer, is the deadliest. This disease is the most diffic…

skin cancer, cancer, disease

The process of detecting skin cancer, the most common form of cancer in the United States, can be practiced with a monthly self examination combined with a yearly visit to your doctor. Early detection is key because, if diagnosed soon enough, skin cancer is almost always curable.

There are three main types of skin cancer, all of which are visible if you know what to look for. Melanoma, one of the main forms of skin cancer, is the deadliest. This disease is the most difficult to stop after it has spread throughout the body, which is why early detection and treatment are crucial. Skin cancer, of any kind, can usually be treated with success in it’s early stages.

As individuals, everyone has freckles, birthmarks and moles. These are a part of you and you are used to seeing them, but you may not notice slight changes right away and that’s what you need to be watching for. Any change in a mole’s shape, edges, size or color should be checked by a physician. If a mole becomes larger than that of a pencil eraser or if it’s color is multiple shades of brown rather than a solid color, these are both potential warning signs of skin cancer. A mole’s border should be well defined and, if that is no longer the case, notify your doctor. In addition, any sore that will not heal or a mole that grows larger at a rapid speed should be tested immediately.

Deciding to seek medical attention is difficult. For this reason, it’s best to choose a physician that you are comfortable with, such as a family doctor. He/she can examine your skin and refer you to a dermatologist if needed. The presence of skin cancer is determined by removing all, or part, of the questionable area and testing it with a microscope. Surgery is often utilized in the removal of ski cancer and, if done in the early stages, can be a very quick process. There will likely be a scar, but the physician may be able to completely remove all cancerous cells with only a very small incision.

If the cancer has spread, or is very large in the defined area, additional surgery may be required. In that case, chemotherapy or radiation treatments may be ordered to ensure the cancer is completely removed. Your physician will be able to answer all questions that you may have and should do so without reserve. When meeting with a doctor, ask for an explanation of all treatment options, including their likelihood for success in your particular case. Deciding to seek medical attention is a big step and one that a patient must be mentally prepared for.

This article should not be construed as professional medical advice. If you, or someone that you know, is concerned about the possibility of cancer, you should seek medical attention immediately. A medical doctor can discuss various options, prevention and treatment possibilities should the presence of cancer be detected. A series of tests may be conducted in order to confirm, or rule out, any such diagnosis and can only be done by a medical doctor.

You Are Not Alone!


12 years ago, I had a Melanoma skin cancer. Melanoma is not as painful as other type of cancer but it’s certainly as wicked, and it had to be removed. After the surgery, my doctor informed me that I’ll probably get the same cancer in 2 years, unless I’ll visit the hospital every day for the next 3 years and get Interferon injections. Read More…

Mesothelioma, mesothelioma cancer,mesothelioma attorneys,lawyers,malignant mesothelioma,symptoms,peritoneal mesothelioma,pleural,alimta,Asbestos,

12 years ago, I had a Melanoma skin cancer.

Melanoma is not as painful as other type of cancer but it’s certainly as wicked, and it had to be removed.

After the surgery, my doctor informed me that I’ll probably get the same cancer in 2 years, unless I’ll visit the hospital every day for the next 3 years and get Interferon injections.

I remember thinking to myself… “If I’ll follow doctor’s recommendations, it will make me be aware of the word “Cancer” every single day and would give it the power that this word doesn’t deserve.

I don’t recommend you to do the same, but regardless of my wife’s opinion,
I took a decision, not only to reject the treatments, but also to ignore the periodical medical surveillances.

Deep in my heart, I knew! That if God would decide to take my life then so be it…

Today, 12 years later, I am ignoring even the word “cholesterol” and stick to my insight that

Death is a part of life!

Accepting this insight alone changed my entire life.

To have the guts doing what I did, one must have a very strong belief.

For me it was more then a belief,

I Knew that every thing will be all right.

: ; : ; : ;

You are not alone‭!

Thank You,
And Good Luck With Your Journey!
Sincerely‭, Itzik Keidar‭

Why You should Stop Smoking: Dangers to Women’s Health

You must have heard that cigarette smoking is definitely not good for health. This does not make any distinctions in its ill effects; it is dangerous both to women’s and men’s health. However, you should know that smoking may have more harmful effects on a woman’s health than on a man. A woman is capable of bearing a child in her womb. Because of this she is considered as an icon for nurturing; however, if with unhealthy habits, a woman may also unknowingly inflict damage to the child in her womb. Therefore, if smoking should be stopped by any gender in particular, then there is a greater need for women to stop smoking.

A woman may be inflicted with several illnesses if she becomes addicted to nicotine. If she is unable to live a healthy lifestyle, and if she is unable to eliminate smoking from her daily routine, she may end up having vaginal bleeding, heart attacks, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. Studies even show that women who smoke are more prone to having lung cancer as compared to those who do not smoke.

Furthermore, when females become addicted to nicotine, it is more difficult for them to eliminate such substance from their system as opposed to males. Because of this, they have to put on extra effort just to prevent themselves from being addicted; but if they are already dependent on the substance, they should ask for help and supplements designed to release them from such addiction.

Perhaps you are wondering how to get out of such addiction. If this is the case, then you should know that your first step to a non-smoking life is to know all the possible effects that may harm you. In doing so, you would have a better understanding of the consequences of your acts and thus, it will be easier for you to avoid such path again. Maybe, you would realize that you do not need to be around people who smoke because you may be influenced to smoke again; or you may refrain from going to shops that sell cigarettes. As long as you have baby steps to get out from your habit, then you are on the right track.

If these acts are not helpful enough, you may also ask your doctor for assistance. Several drugs may be prescribed to you to help you with the addiction, some of them may be found online and some are just within your neighborhood pharmacies. Just make sure that you have consulted your doctor before buying these medicines and that the medicines that you would take are FDA approved. This is to certify that these drugs will not worsen your condition and that they are really designed to help you with your nicotine problem.

Cigarette smoking should definitely be avoided for your own health. If you are a woman, you should have realized by now that you have more things to take into consideration than men who smoke. You are a woman, and you should be the life-giver. You cannot give a life that is not healthy, thus you should keep yourself healthy as well. Thus, since smoking is not healthy, you should not smoke; but if you already are, you may want to consider to stop smoking.

Perminant Progressive MS (Multiple Sclerosis) One Victim’s Dated Report


When I went from a cane to a four wheel walker ~with a seat ~ people’s stress levels dropped dramaticly. I fell down a lot less too. My handicapped, motorized scooter had long since been dispensed with when I had left real estate and had decided I wouldn’t need it. Now, I have another. Now, I have a hard time getting out of the wheelchair onto it. So, is this what is meant by “Progressive?”

Hebrews 11:1, Perminant Progressive MS,Multiple Sclerosis,denial,delayed,acceptance,diagnosis,my fear,stampeded me,stupid decisions,MSers,disposable briefs,writing a novel,Russ Miles,dispel depression

Labor Day ~ 2005

When, a couple of years ago, I wrote an article about my dread disease, I still had not fully comprehended how disabling Perminant Progressive MS can become. I had come to realize that my denial had delayed acceptance of the diagnosis, my fear had stampeded me to stupid decisions, and had found ~ by writing a novel ~ I could dispel depression. Yet, I could still walk, a little, and figured I would bounce back soon.

Reality catches up with most of us ~ sooner or later. Not that it is easy to accept. Although the ‘Docs?said I had already passed from relapsing remitting MS ~ to Perminant Progressive MS ~ I thought I’d make a rather rapid comeback. Little did I know that I would become even more dependent upon another who deserved less defiance from one she had committed to share life with.

When I went from a cane to a four wheel walker ~with a seat ~ her stress level dropped dramaticly. I fell down a lot less too. My handicapped, motorized scooter had long since been dispensed with when I had left real estate and had decided I wouldn’t need it. Now, I have another. Now, I have a hard time getting out of the wheelchair onto it.

Perminant Progressive MS (Multiple Sclerosis) it’s called. “Progressive?has surely taken on more meaning ~as I can no longer walk ~ even with the walker. Accepting life in a wheelchair is a tough one. So is accepting the fact that keeping honeybees for BVT (Bee Venom Therapy) is not a realistic option for those of us that must now reside in apartments. “Perminant?is still not a diagnosis or concept that I am willing to accept.

Maybe, admitting to myself that I needed to use disposable briefs was the most major challenge? My caregiver’s sensitivity to provide a sightly container ~ rather than stack my diapers in a conspicious place (like on the back of the toilet) ~ has made my right decision less embarrassing. Her rapid removal of soiled disposables helps too.

Like most of us MSers, I continue to seek the “Silver Bullet,?that non-traditional cure that conventional medicine ~ which says there is none ~ doesn’t embrace. Okay, I have tried a few. Although some other MS victims have experienced significant improvements from these, Silver water, LDN, and various supplements, they haven’t worked for me. There are many weapons in the arsenal that I have yet to try.

Perhaps, my best weapon is faith? As Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen,?I continue to keep on hoping I am led to the answer of renewed health for myself. I also believe that I am where a very good God wants me to be ~ for His reasons.

If you have found my article because there is something in it you were supposed to see, I am delighted to have been of some small service. You might want to visit the website I am learning to build and attempt to maintain where other information awaits you.

To those of you who are affected by others with Multiple Sclerosis, I ask that you be patient with him or her. Pray for us. Hope we become more sensitive to how our compromised conditions impacts others ~ and that we make internal adjustments which will will be reflected in our outward actions.

For those who have Perminant Progressive MS, expect challenges. Accept ~ without resentment ~ the helps and aids which are made available. Become less of a problem for those who attempt to help you.