Deciding to Stop Smoking: Rising Above Withdrawal Urges

When you smoke, your body is exposed to nicotine, a very addictive substance. The longer period that the body is exposed to nicotine, the harder it is for the body to function properly without such substance. This is the reason why people who smoke, especially those who have been smoking for a long time already, may find it difficult to stop smoking. They have become addicted to nicotine, and they will need longer time just to cleanse their system from the nicotine. So, even if they have finally stopped from smoking, they are still faced with the urge to go on a relapse and smoke again. This is commonly known as nicotine withdrawal urges.

Withdrawal symptoms may come in different forms, and has different effects on different people. Some urges may take form in the following:

* Difficulty to sleep
* Always being nervous and worried
* Unable to concentrate
* May feel depressed
* May feel irritable
* May feel the urge to light up another stick of cigarette
* Increased hunger and need to eat

Thus, before you finally stop smoking, you should first have an idea on how to fight these withdrawal symptoms, because if not you may end up starting on the process all over again.

Start by knowing the possible urges that you may experience once you have finally stopped smoking. By doing so, you would have ideas on how to manage them properly when they eventually manifest. There several products which can assist you as you begin to cut down your exposure to nicotine. There are nicotine gums and patches which are available in the market to satisfy your need for nicotine without the need of smoking a cigarette. However, if you choose to buy these products, you should realize that you would still have to stop using them eventually because you would want your system to be cleansed from nicotine.

There are also medicines and prescription drugs which can help you overcome depression after you have stopped smoking. Sometimes, these medications may also help with other withdrawal symptoms aside from depression. However, before you take any of these drugs, you should consult your doctor first so that you would be guided accordingly.

These withdrawal urges may come and go throughout the day. You just have to wait it out until the urge passes. You have to fight hard not to smoke despite such strong urges. After several times of being able to fight off the urge to smoke, you will feel that such urges will become less powerful, and you will find it easier to defeat such tendencies. You just have to stay strong because it is not easy to flush out the nicotine from your body, and will surely take time before you are absolutely cleansed from it. So, as you wait, you have to stay strong, firm, and focused. Try hard not to relapse; otherwise you might end up on the starting line again, and you’d waste your efforts. Do your best to divert your attention to healthier activities so that you will not think of smoking as often as necessary. Remember your reasons for quitting, and hold on to them. The process you need to go through to stop smoking may not be easy, but it shall be worth it.

Lung Cancer – What You Need to Know

With lung cancer being the leading cancer-causing death in America, you really should get to know all you can about this disease – including the causes, symptoms, and screening tests that are done to diagnose lung cancer. If you’re armed with the facts, then you’ll increase your chance of survival.

The Causes of Lung Cancer

While lung cancer causes the most cancer-related deaths, it’s actually one of the most preventable forms of cancer. Most lung cancer is cause by smoking. This comes from directly smoking yourself or prolonged exposure to second-hand smoke. However, it is possible (but rare) for people to develop lung cancer without ever having smoked or been exposed to second-hand smoke. In these rare instances of people developing lung cancer it doesn’t have a clear cause.

Cigarette smoke is full of carcinogens (cancer causing agents). When people inhale the smoke into their lungs, it lines the lungs with these dangerous carcinogens. This damages the cells. They may be able to regenerate, but repeated exposure over time causes the cells to act abnormally which eventually causes a person to get cancer.

If you’re a smoker or have been exposed to a lot of cigarette smoke in your life, then there are certain signs and symptoms you do not want to ignore. Since lung cancer usually doesn’t have any symptoms until it’s more advanced, you don’t want to let it continue untreated.

Symptoms of Lung Cancer

Here’s what you should look out for when lung cancer is involved:

* A new, persistent cough
* Any changes to your “smoker’s cough”
* Coughing up blood, no matter how little
* Shortness of breath
* Chest pain
* Wheezing
* Hoarseness
* Sudden weight loss without trying to lose weight
* Bone pain
* Headache

If you have any of the signs or symptoms above that have become worrisome, or anything else that concern you, then call your doctor right away. Quitting smoking before any of these symptoms arise is probably in your best interest. Seek help with this if you have to; discuss it with your doctor. It might not prevent you from getting lung cancer, but your chances of survival increase the sooner you quit smoking.

If you’re at risk for lung cancer or have any of the above signs or symptoms, your doctor might order some tests.

Lung Cancer Screening Tests

Screening for lung cancer isn’t as easy as for other cancers. While we know heavy smoking causes it, really until masses show up on your lungs and you show symptoms it’s hard to tell right now when someone has lung cancer. This is probably why it is the deadliest form of cancer. Your best fighting chance of early detection is a low-dose spiral CT scan. This test has been shown to decrease the chance of death from lung cancer in heavy smokers. It is much more effective than x-rays or sputum tests.

The problem with the technology that we currently have to test for lung cancer is they often show benign non-cancerous cells which leads to more invasive testing. And since there isn’t a greater chance of survival in most cases, having invasive procedures are not always recommended.

If you are showing symptoms, then your doctor will most likely do a sputum test or an x-ray. If masses are found, then they’ll send you for a biopsy. There is just no other reliable method for diagnosing lung cancer early.

If you are worried about lung cancer, then the best thing you can do is quit smoking and talk to your doctor. Lung cancer is the number one cancer killer of both men and women in the United States, and your chances of getting it are greatly dependent on your lifestyle choices.

Vitamins and Supplements for Sports Nutrition

If you are training for sports, whether it’s competitive or recreational, you may be thinking about taking vitamins or supplements to enhance your performance. These aren’t supplements for health, exactly. They are vitamins or supplements to make you stronger, faster, leaner, or maybe to heal a sports injury. No matter the reason, if you are active in sports and want to see improvement, you are looking for something above and beyond the vitamins and supplements that will just make you healthy.

If you go to the health food store, you will find shelves and shelves of vitamins and supplements that promise almost everything you can possibly imagine. But just how many of these products are worth buying and how many are really just rip-offs? While some of these products are genuine, the majority of them are from companies that manufacture supplements and vitamin combinations in order to make money. For most of these companies, the bottom line is profit. This means that they make their supplements for a little cost as possible and mark them up as much as they can. Combine this with some slick advertising and you have a product that promises much more than it delivers.

Wild exaggerations have been made about products that may only help the user to achieve minimal or no results. The rule of thumb here is that the wilder the manufacturer’s claim, the more likely it is to be untrue. The real vitamins and nutritional supplements that will help you make physical gains aren’t so exciting. They don’t come in really neat packaging and they don’t work miracles. However, they do work. These are the vitamins and supplements that will help you achieve success, not overpromise unnatural results.

1. The first supplement to take is the standard multivitamin. Taken regularly, it will do more for you than any other products combined. Even if you do decide to take extra doses of vitamin C and E, you should still take the multivitamin everyday to make sure that you are getting enough of all the other vitamins you aren’t loading up on.

2. Extra multi-minerals can be taken before or after training. These should help replace any minerals lost through sweat and muscle contraction.

3. Liver tablets are a great endurance supplement. The vitamin B properties of liver help the body use its glycogen more efficiently.

4. Chromium is good for keeping blood sugar stable throughout the day and keeps energy high. If you are on a special diet, it also helps with junk food cravings.

5. Amino acids like L-Carnatine helps maintain lean body mass if you are trying to burn fat. L-Carnatine has been shown to transport long-chain fatty acids into the muscles where they are oxidized and most efficiently burned.

6. There are also protein powders, but these should only be consumed when you can’t possibly consume the amount of calories that you need in order to reach muscle building goals. Be careful with these, however, if you stop exercising or don’t exercise enough, the extra calories from protein powder will go right to the waistline.

Of course, these are vitamins and minerals that can improve your performance, but what if you get hurt? There are vitamins and supplements for that, too.

1. Proteolytic enzymes taken between meals speed healing by destroying free radical that are released during an injury.

2. Protein, in the form of free form amino acids, helps to repair and strengthen connective tissue, ligaments, and tendons.

3. Calcium plus magnesium repairs bones, connective tissue, and also is very important for the entire skeletal system.

4. Vitamin B complex, in addition to the vitamin B already in a multivitamin should be taken during any stressful situation.

As you can see, there isn’t any great mystery to taking vitamins and supplements. Any other promises that manufacturers make are just that, empty promises. If you find that you need more help than what standard over-the-counter supplements can give you, it is best to consult a doctor, preferably one who specializes in sports medicine. They will be able to tell you if there is another product out there that can help you, or if your Olympic dreams will just have to wait.

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Overdosing on Vitamins and Supplements

People who have experienced the positive effects from vitamins and supplements sometimes get carried away and think that if a low dose works okay, then a higher dose will work much better. In some cases this is true, like if you are trying to prevent a cold by taking extra vitamin C. However in some cases this is not true. In fact, taking high doses of some vitamins can make someone ill or even cause death. That is why it is very important to make sure that the vitamins and supplements you are taking do not build up in your system to become a lethal dose.

One of the most harmful supplements to take too much of is iron. This is especially true for many older people who fear that their blood is iron-poor and will begin taking supplements to make sure that they are getting enough iron so that they don’t become anemic. This is the worst thing that they can do.

Excess iron can be very dangerous because it helps free radicals to damage cells. For example, excess iron can change benign LDL cholesterol into the toxic type that wrecks the arteries and causes heart failure. Studies have shown that men with the highest amount of iron in their blood were twice as likely to have heart attacks. Other studies have shown that eating too much meat with iron in it will speed up the process getting heart disease.

Because excess iron speeds of the creation of free radicals, it has been implicated as a carcinogen as well. Cancer patients who have been studied for higher levels of iron in their blood have been found to have a greater risk for cancer, especially those who ate a diet high in red meat. Those who ate about five ounces of iron-rich meat a day were 250 percent more like to develop colon cancer than those who did not.

There are several other vitamins and supplements that can be deadly when taken in high doses or for too long a period of time. Vitamins A and D, and niacin can all have adverse effects, resulting in liver damage, heart disease, loss of nerve function, and increased risk of cancer. Overdoses of other supplements can cause milder medical problems like diarrhea, stomach pain, and sleeplessness. Large doses of niacin should not be taken by those who are pregnant or suffering from gout, peptic ulcers, glaucoma, liver disease, or diabetes.

Vitamin A should not be taken in large amounts in pill form or as cod liver oil by those suffering from liver disease. Pregnant women should avoid amounts of vitamin A over 25,000 IU. Children who are going to be taking vitamin A for more than one month should not take over 18,000 IU. If you are on any medication, check with your doctor before taking vitamin A as a supplement, as it can interfere with some medications.

These are only a few of the situations where taking too many vitamins and supplements can turn deadly. If you are going to take a vitamin or supplement other than a multivitamin for a special reason, make sure to read up about it before you start a vitamin regimen. You may find that taking a combination of vitamins can be harmful, or that what higher doses you want to take may not be necessary. At any rate, it is always best to stick with a premeasured multivitamin if you don’t feel like you have enough information to successfully treat an illness with supplements.

Word Count 589

Alternative Herbal Medicine And Weight-Loss

Herbal products are not only being used for treating diseases or common health-related problems. Alternative herbal medicine is now being integrated into weight loss programs to promote proper body functions while shedding excess fat to achieve a trim and lean body.

Herbal Weight Loss Program

Weight loss programs today are making use of herbal medicines considering that it is safe to use and without any side-effects. Synthetic weight loss pills are often laced with restrictions that may prove to be a problem for individuals who have a fixed dietary preference or lifestyle. In most cases, this weight loss solution may limit a person’s meals, physical movement, and can be very expensive to purchase.

Herbal weight loss medicines use 100% natural ingredients from plants and animals. The concept behind this method includes the right nutrients integrated into the body in order to promote normal body functions, and to activate certain hormones for breaking down cholesterol, burning calories, improved metabolic function, and so on.

Usage Of Herbal Products For Weight Loss

The use of herbal products depends upon the potency and nature of the medicine. Most are taken before or after meals, while some are termed as supplements to boost a body’s performance during physical workout. However, it is very important for an individual to consult an expert first before taking in herbal medicine for weight loss. There are possibilities that usage might result to allergic reactions with your normal body chemistry that could lead to health complications.

It would be best to check out the labels of these herbal products to determine their exact ingredients that would be useful for your weight loss program. If you have no idea what an ingredient does, then you can either consult an expert or do some research on the Internet to tell you what it is all about.

Such is the case; it is essential for an individual to utilize herbal products effectively for their weight loss program by taking in measured doses according to the prescription of your medical expert, as well as avoiding self-medication that would lead to complications.

Some Herbal Ingredients Useful For Weight Loss

There are different types of weight loss herbal medicines being used today and each varies according to the ingredients used in it. Keep in mind, however, that no herbal product can address the entirety of your weight problem. They work only to promote a specific function that will help you get rid of excess weight.

For example, Guggul is a well-known ingredient used in herbal weight loss products today. The extract from this plant is known to regulate the cholesterol levels in the human body. This is a very effective medicine for obese or overweight individuals.

Hoodia Gordoni is also one of the well-celebrated ingredients in weight loss herbal product. The flower of this desert plant has the ability to intercept the stimulus of hunger from the brain and lessen a person’s food intake. Aptly termed as a hunger suppressant, Hoodia is perfect for those who have eating problems.

There are also other herbal products that utilize some ingredients that would help in your weight loss program, but is considered to be dangerous due to its adverse effect when the dosage is not properly controlled. Senna is a well-known laxative that is mainly used for removing waste materials in our digestive tract. Possible reaction to this herbal component may include diarrhea, dehydration, and constipation.

Sunburn, UV Overexposure & Skin Cancer: Prevention or Cure?


Overexposure to the sun and UV rays is rarely obvious at the time, — and on many occasions, probably quite unintentional. However repeated exposure has rather more adverse long-term implications for our bodies and our health. So before you venture out into the sun again, remember these important tips to protect yourself from overexposure of UV rays and sunburn, and its associated risks.

sun exposure, UV rays, skin cancer, cancer, sunburn, UV exposure, sunscreen, sun protection, sun damage, skin damage

Overexposure to the sun and UV rays is rarely obvious at the time, — and on many occasions, probably quite unintentional. However repeated exposure has rather more adverse long-term implications for our bodies and our health.

We’re all well aware of the more obvious and painful symptoms of sunburn including hot, red, tender skin ?which in the case of a more heavy burn can also include blistering, peeling and dehydration.

The damage that occurs beneath the skin as a result of sunburn is considerably ‘less obvious?at the time of exposure, and may in fact take years to produce symptoms visible to the naked eye.

The fact that damage caused to skin cells during sunburn can not only accelerate the aging process, but also increase the risk of cataracts and skin cancer, should certainly demand our attention.

When faced with the potential risk of having to treat more than just the temporary symptoms and pain of sunburn, doesn’t it make more sense to avoid the risk in the first place?

Seek prevention rather than cure!

So before you venture out into the sun again, remember these important tips to protect yourself from overexposure of UV rays and sunburn, and its associated risks:

1. Wear protective clothing, including a long-sleeve shirt and a hat. Consider the ‘additional?protection of an umbrella or shade where appropriate.

2. Avoid sun exposure between 10 am and 3 pm if at all possible.

3. Remember that UV rays are present even on cloudy days.

4. Remember that sunlight is strongly reflected from sand, snow, ice, water and concrete, which can intensify your direct sunlight exposure.

5. Apply sunscreen containing a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15, at least 15 minutes before going out into the sun.

6. Reapply sunscreen at regular intervals while out in the sun, especially if you are perspiring heavily or swimming.

7. Remember that UV overexposure is not limited to ‘sun exposure? Sunburn can also occur as a result of UV exposure from other sources including tanning beds/lamps, welding arcs etc.

Prevention is a far better treatment than cure. In the event however, that you discover any unusual moles or growths on your skin ?(particularly if they’re irregular in shape, bleed, itch, or appear to be changing) – consult your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

When it comes to overexposure of UV rays and sunburn that result in skin cancer, early detection will certainly assist in providing you with more effective treatment. But considering your options beforehand ?what will provide the best outcome for your health? Prevention or Cure? I know which one I’d choose…!

Exercise and Arthritis

Your bones hang out in a lot of joints. Knee joints. Hip joints. The joints in your fingers and the joints in your toes.

Wherever bones meet, there is also cartilage, a rubbery, protective layer that ensures your joints bend smoothly and painlessly. But even cartilage cannot do this tremendous job alone. A thin membrane called the “synovium” provides fluid that lubricates the moving parts of the joint. When the cartilage wears out of the synovium becomes inflamed, the result is generally a case of “osteoarthritis” or “rheumatoid arthritis.”

In osteoarthritis, the cartilage can be eroded so much that bone does rub on bone. Thos type of arthritis develops gradually over a lifetime as a simple result of the wear and tear placed on your joints over the years. Very few people escape some degree of osteoarthritis, though the severity varies a great deal.

As a matter of fact, if you are over the age of 50, you are likely to have at least one joint affected by osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis affects men and women equally and is by far the most common type of arthritis, with almost 16 million Americans in the list.

In rheumatoid arthritis, damage to the synovium is at the source of trouble. Doctors and researchers are not absolutely sure what causes it, but most think that rheumatoid arthritis is a disease in which the immune system actually attacks certain tissues in the body, including those that connect the joints and the synovium.

Rheumatoid arthritis begins with swollen, red, stiff, and painful joints, but it may progress until scar tissue forms in the joint or, in extreme cases, until the bones actually fuse together. Almost 75% of the 2 million people with rheumatoid arthritis in the United States are women. The disease can hit as early as teen years.

Exercising Your Prevention Options

Investing a little time in developing a good weight-bearing low-impact exercise and stretching plan can add up to great results when it comes to staving off arthritis pain. Strong muscles help protect the joints from wear and tear, and the movement keeps joints flexible.

That is why the quest for fitness is at hand, even if you are 50 years and over. However, most Americans over 50 are still right where they always were sitting back and watching others jog by. Most of them contend that that is just for people who have been athletic all their life, or some say exercise is for young people and engaging into exercise will do them more harm than good.

There are still some that insist on excusing their selves in exercise routines because they do not just have time or they have less energy than ever before. These are all lame excuses. Hence, it is time to start to get rid of those pains. Start exercising.

Consequently, preventing arthritis is not an exact science, but physicians have discovered a few ways to lower your risk. Here is how:

1. Do not weight around

The single most important measure anyone can take to prevent osteoarthritis of the knee is to lose weight if they are overweight. Extra weight puts extra stress on your knees. If you are 10 pounds overweight, for example, you put 60 pounds per square inch of extra pressure on your knees every time you take a step. That extra pressure can slowly but surely erode the cartilage in your knees, leading to arthritis.

A study has clearly supported the theory that weight loss weighs in on the side of prevention. In the study, overweight women who lost 11 pounds or more over a 10-year period decreased their risk of developing osteoarthritis of the knee by 50%.

2. Stretch those muscles

Any kind of stretching is good as long as you do not bounce, which can lead to a muscle pull. This is according to some of the professors of clinical medicine in New York City.

Try to hold a slow, steady stretch for 15 to 20 seconds, then relax and repeat. It is best to flex up by stretching before any exercise, especially running and walking. But it is also a good idea to stretch each day. Ask your doctor to teach you stretches that focus on potential arthritis trouble spots, such as the knees or the lower back.

3. Walking is always the best exercise

Take a good long walk at least three times a week or participate in a step-aerobics or low-impact exercise routine maximum results. There is no proof that running is bad for the joints, but remember, it may aggravate an injury if you already have one. Just remember to check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program.

The bottom line is that of all the healthful habits, exercise is the most important. This is because people are designed to be active. Hence, it is really important for people to exercise in order to stay healthy and keep those joints free from wear and tear.

Just keep in mind that the unexercised body, even if free from the symptoms of illness or problems like arthritis, is not at its full potential. Hence, start exercising right now!

Tips for Using Vitamins and Supplements

When you take prescribed medication, it comes with a warning label and usually an entire pamphlet explaining how to use the medication. It also comes with the advice of a doctor and a pharmacist; two medical professionals who are at your disposal if you need them. This is, however, not the case for vitamins and supplements. With vitamins, all you get in the way of directions is usually the dosage suggestion on the bottle. This can be somewhat disconcerting, especially when you consider that you are taking vitamins and supplements for health reasons. So, here are a few tips on using vitamins and supplements that you won’t find on the warning label of your vitamin bottle.

1. Always take vitamins with some kind of food. Vitamins are not a meal substitute, they are a meal supplement. If you take vitamins or supplements on an empty stomach, they will simply wash right out of your system. Also, don’t take vitamins with fresh fruit for breakfast. The citrus acids in the fruit can change the chemical makeup of the vitamin and strip away its nutritive values.

2. Always take vitamins and supplements with water. While it seems healthier to take them with fruit juice, all you are doing is subjecting your vitamins to a bath of citric acid, thereby stripping them of their nutrients. Also, do not take vitamins and supplements with caffeine. The caffeine will leach the nutrients out of the vitamins and they will simple flush out of your system.

3. If you miss taking your vitamins during the day, let it go. Do not try to take the vitamins you forgot during the day before bedtime. Doing this may keep you awake all night. Also, don’t try to “make up” for the vitamins you missed the day before. Taking too many vitamins or higher dosages will not be beneficial. In fact, it may make you sick.

4. If you are taking a sports enhancement supplement, make sure that you take it as directed. Some sports supplements need to be taken before or after a workout in order to be effective.

5. Make sure that you are not taking vitamins that conflict with each other. When taking several different vitamins at the same time, they can actually cancel each other out; making both of them null and void. For example, taking too much extra zinc can zap the positive effects of any copper you might be taking.

6. Make sure you store your vitamins properly. Keep them out of direct sunlight and fluorescent lighting. Too much exposure to sunlight depletes the vitamins of their nutrients, making them ineffective. Also, store supplements at the right temperature. Vitamins that have been exposed to too much heat and cold also lose their potency. Check the label. If the temperature of your refrigerator is right to store the supplements you have, then this is the best place to store them.

7. Never mix vitamins together in the same bottle. They can merge into each other, possibly forming unknown substances.

8. Always check the expiration date. Vitamins and supplements have a long shelf life, but once that is over, throw them out.

9. Don’t take large doses of any vitamin thinking that it will have more of an effect. In some cases, people will take large doses of vitamin C, B-complex, and E for serious illnesses, but this should be done under the care of a doctor. Don’t try to experiment on your own to cure a serious illness with vitamins and supplements. Also, vitamins in large doses can be poisonous and even fatal.

10. Don’t use vitamins as a substitute for taking medication or going to the doctor. Vitamin and supplements are incredible healers and prevent many illnesses; but if you have a serious medical condition, you should always try to get to a doctor first. The medical miracles that you hear about concerning vitamins and supplements are true in some cases, but like the labels say, “results may vary.” Don’t assume that your medical condition is like anyone else’s or that it can be solved by taking vitamins and supplements alone.

Remember vitamins are most helpful for preventing illness and maintaining overall health, but they are not a cure-all. A sensible diet, moderate exercise and routine checkups are still strongly recommended to achieve maximum health.

Word Count 722

Diagnosing Skin Cancer


There are several different types of cancer, all of which are very dangerous and must be detected early in order to have the best possible prognosis. Skin cancer, which is an increasingly common form, is often associated with over exposure to sun or other ultraviolet radiation, including tanning beds. Because individuals with fair skin are more susceptible to a sunburn, they are also more susceptible to skin cancer. In order to protect themselves from the sun’s strength, indi…

skin cancer

There are several different types of cancer, all of which are very dangerous and must be detected early in order to have the best possible prognosis. Skin cancer, which is an increasingly common form, is often associated with over exposure to sun or other ultraviolet radiation, including tanning beds. Because individuals with fair skin are more susceptible to a sunburn, they are also more susceptible to skin cancer. In order to protect themselves from the sun’s strength, individuals should wear sunscreen with a high SPF, hats and long sleeve shirts. In addition, taking special care to not fall asleep in the sun or spend hours every day in it’s presence may help to lessen it’s harmful effects and possibly may even prevent skin cancer.

Symptoms of skin cancer are various, but the most common is a lesion that will not heal. This may also include discoloration and overall changes in the appearance of moles. The majority of skin cancer patients can be treated with a surgical procedure that involves removing the affected layers of the skin. If skin cancer is left untreated, however, it may begin to involve the deeper layers of the skin and possibly even the lymphatic system. In addition, it may spread to other parts of the body and become resistant to treatment if not detected early.

Of all the various forms of cancer, Skin cancer has one of the highest survival rates because, unlike the others, skin cancer is usually visible and leads to earlier detection. If a skin lesion does not heal within 7 to 10 days, or if a mole begins to change in shape, color or otherwise vary in appearance, a physician should be consulted in order to determine whether or not the lesion is cancerous. During testing, a piece of the skin will be removed by the physician and sent to a medical laboratory for further testing. If the test results are positive for the presence of cancer, the physician will invite the patient to return to his/her office for a conversation regarding possible treatment options.

The information in this article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be considered as, or used in place of, medical advice or professional recommendations for the cause, diagnosis or treatment of skin cancer. If necessary, individuals should consult a medical doctor or dermatologist for information regarding the likelihood of skin cancer, a proper diagnosis and recommended form of treatment.

Benefits of Detoxing for Fitness and Health

It seems to be a little disgusting when you are detoxing or cleansing. Your body shows some signs that you have built up toxins. These toxins can affect your whole body fitness and health.

There are times that you feel sluggish and feel the stressful. Your body may experience continuous aching, diarrhea, constipation, and feeling of clumsiness. Rapid weight gain and the incapacity to lose the excess weight can also be signs of having toxins in the body.

Moreover, the toxins found in the body are found and stored on your fat cells. For Americans who are taking the usual American diet, a person may consume 70 trillion garbage cans for each cell. In detoxing your body and cleaning that unwanted garbage in your cells, you should pay attention on your elimination organs.

There are particular organs in your body that deal on cell waste management. These organs play a major role in the detoxing process for a fit and healthy body.

1. Your liver is the organ that recycles the unwanted chemicals in the body. It sorts out the toxins and places them to the organ for elimination during the process of circulation. The principal elimination organs will back up the liver on where these toxins will be stored and then eliminated.

2. The lymph glands also play an important role in eliminating the toxins. A network of tubing brings out the excess waste of the cells from the body and to the final eliminating organs. The appendix, thymus, tonsil, and spleens are major lymphatic glands that help the major organs of the body in cleansing and detoxing.

3. The kidneys help in the water management of the body. They are the ones that keep the good chemistry of the blood alkaline by eliminating the dissolved acid waste. You can help your kidney to function very well by drinking plenty of water. It is much better if you drink fresh alkaline juices and purified water. You may take ½ ounce of alkaline everyday to see positive results on your body weight.

4. The lungs are the organs that keep the blood air purified. They allow the oxygen to go directly to the bloodstream. It is also responsible in removing waste gases that are found in every cell of the body. Deep breathing and fresh air is very helpful in keeping the lungs healthy and free from toxins. If you are in the urban area, it is recommended that you find an oxygen rich area where you can perform deep breathing.

5. The colon is a solid waste management organ in your body. Medical practitioners have found many peolpe that may have an 80-pound mucus and rubber like solid waste that are found on the walls of the colon. Detoxing and cleaning the colon can be a real tough thing to do. However, having a free waste colon can certainly provide you good benefits of having a clean and healthy body.

If you are experiencing some signs of detoxification, you may try doing a regular walking exercise. Exercise is a good key in having a fit and healthy body. Many diet doctors also suggest that you drink plenty of lemon water. This is an effective way of maintaining a very good circulation and can increase the rate of detoxification inside the body.