Multiple Sclerosis- what is it?


Multiple sclerosis, also known as MS, affects approximately 1 out 1,000 people. Did you also know that women are affected more than men are? For more information about this disease, visit the link below.

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Multiple Sclerosis- what is it?

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) where the body’s own immune cells attack the nervous system. In Multiple Sclerosis, inflammation of nervous tissue causes the loss of myelin, a fatty material that acts as a sort of protective insulation for the nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord. This demyelination leaves multiple areas of scar tissue (sclerosis) along the covering of the nerve cells, which disrupts the ability of the nerves to conduct electrical impulses to and from the brain, producing the various symptoms of multiple Sclerosis.

Multiple Sclerosis-Causes, symptoms, and risk factors
The cause of multiple Sclerosis is unknown. Geographic studies indicate there may be an environmental factor involved. Multiple Sclerosis is more likely to occur in northern Europe, the northern United States, southern Australia, and New Zealand than in other areas.

Symptoms of multiple Sclerosis vary because the location and extent of each attack varies. There is usually a stepwise progression of the disorder, with episodes that last days, weeks, or months alternating with times of reduced or no symptoms (remission). Recurrence (relapse) is common although non-stop progression without periods of remission may also occur.

The exact cause of the inflammation associated with multiple Sclerosis is unknown. An increase in the number of immune cells in the body of a person with multiple Sclerosis indicates that there may be a type of immune response that triggers the disorder. The most frequent theories about the cause of multiple sclerosis include a virus-type organism, an abnormality of the genes responsible for control of the immune system, or a combination of both factors.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) affects approximately 1 out of 1,000 people. More women are affected than men are. The disorder most commonly begins between ages 20 and 40, but can strike at any age. Risks include a family history of multiple Sclerosis and living in a geographical area with a higher incidence rate for multiple Sclerosis.

What is Natural Skin Care?


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What is Natural skin care?

Do you know what is the best way to care for your skin naturally?

Put simply, ‘natural skin care?is caring for your skin in a natural and chemical-free way. ‘Natural skin care?advocates enabling the skin to take care of itself (without any assistance from synthetic materials/ chemicals). ‘Natural skin care?is about inculcation of good habits in the way you lead your day to day life. A lot of natural skin care measures are actually the same as those for body care in general.

So let’s see what these natural skin care measures are.

Well the first and the foremost natural skin care measure is ?’Drink a lot of water? Around 8 glasses of water is a must everyday. Water helps in flushing out the toxins from the body, in a natural way. It helps in the overall upkeep of the body and promotes good health for all organs (not just skin).

General cleanliness is another inexpensive way of natural skin care. Daily shower, wearing clean clothes and sleeping on a clean mattress/pillow are all part of general cleanliness. After all, clean skin is the key to keeping the skin disorders at bay.

Regular exercise is the next thing on the cards. Exercise increases the flow of blood that helps in getting rid of body toxins and keeping you healthy. Exercise also helps in beating stress which is the worst enemy of good health.

Healthy food and eating habits are also recommended for natural skin care. Some type of food (e.g. oily food) is know to cause acne and should be avoided as much as possible. Your diet should be a healthy mix of various nutrient providing foods. Raw fruits and vegetables are known to provide freshness to your body and help in getting rid of body toxins.

A good sleep is also instrumental in maintaining good health and in beating stress. As a natural skin care measure, a good sleep delays slacking of skin.

Beating stress is another natural skin care therapy. Stress causes overall damage to body and health. Drinking a lot of water, getting a sound sleep and exercise has already been mentioned as stress busters. Indulging in a warm bubble bath, listening to music and playing your favourite sport are also good ways of beating stress. Yoga is yet another way of beating stress; it is fast gaining popularity amongst the masses.

Avoiding excessive exposure to sun (by wearing long sleeved clothes, hat and umbrella etc), is another natural skin care strategy. Sunscreen lotions are also recommended as necessary.

A lot of traditional and home made natural skin care products/ measures are also known to be very effective. Such measures are not only natural and easy-to-follow, but also relatively inexpensive.

Besides that, a lot of natural skin care products are available in the commercial market. These include things like lavender oil, aloe vera etc., which don’t have any side effects.

New Study Examines Antioxidant Impact on Prostate Cancer


Nearly 30,000 men were recently studied to determine the affect of antioxidants on the rate of prostate cancer. The results did not find a positive correlation but there are other supplements that are important.

prostate cancer

Prostate cancer as one of the most common types of cancer in men according to the American Cancer Society. Fortunately if caught early, the prognosis is good. Even better than treating it, is of course, avoiding it altogether. The search for the cause of prostate cancer is ongoing and a recent study was recently completed.

An eight year study of 29,361 men has just been completed. The study examined the impact of antioxidant supplements on the rate of prostate cancer. “There has been definite interest in their use, based on a few earlier studies that have been done” said lead researcher Richard B. Hayes, senior investigator in the division of cancer epidemiology and genetics at the U.S. National Cancer Institute.

Reporting in the Feb. 15 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Hayes’ team calculated the risk of prostate cancer for 29,361 men aged 55 to 74, all of whom were participants in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Screening Trial.

Some of the data that was analyzed included the amount of common antioxidant supplements including vitamin C, beta carotene, and vitamin E. Some of the men had been taking these supplements for many years prior to the study.

Over the total eight year study period, 1,338 men developed prostate cancer. The results indicate that the use of antioxidant supplements had no positive impact on the risk for prostate cancer for most nonsmokers. Beta carotene supplements did have a positive impact among men that had low dietary intake of beta carotene.

Vitamin E did have a positive impact for smokers according to the research. This was consistent with previous trials.
Although the three supplements studied in this trial showed little help in preventing prostate cancer, previous trials that examined other supplements did show very encouraging results.

Fish oils, which contain EPA and DHA, were found to reduce prostate cancer by 11% in men that consumed about 470 mg./day. Selenium has been found to cut prostate cancer in half. Over five clinical trials have supported this. It is recommended that men take a 200 micrograms of selenium daily.

Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer


The prostate is a small, walnut-shaped sex gland in men that produces the seminal fluid, which nourishes and transports sperm. The growth of the cells in the prostate gland is stimulated by the male sex hormone called testosterone. Though its causes are unknown, prostate cancer is a frightening prospect for men. This cancer threatens not just their lives, but also their sexuality. Possible consequences of treatment (even if the treatment has been successful in saving a person…

prostate cancer, prostate, prostate gland, prostate exam

The prostate is a small, walnut-shaped sex gland in men that produces the seminal fluid, which nourishes and transports sperm. The growth of the cells in the prostate gland is stimulated by the male sex hormone called testosterone. Though its causes are unknown, prostate cancer is a frightening prospect for men. This cancer threatens not just their lives, but also their sexuality. Possible consequences of treatment (even if the treatment has been successful in saving a person’s life) include erectile dysfunction and bladder control problems. Prostate cancer progresses very slowly and the early stages show little or no symptoms. If detected early, effective treatment with minimum side effects is possible. Once the cancer spreads (metastizes) treatment becomes more difficult.

A man’s vulnerability to prostate cancer increases with age. Most often, prostate cancer is detected very late and people who lose their lives do not die from prostate cancer, but die WITH prostate cancer. As the cancer develops, it eventually squeezes the urethra, which surrounds the prostate. This is when signs and symptoms begin to appear:

-Urgency in urination
-Difficulty in starting urination
-Dull, persistent ache in the lower pelvic area
-Painful urination, a very slow flow (almost like a dribble)
-Intermittent urine flow, and a sensation that the bladder is not empty
-Frequent urination, sometimes including blood
-Painful ejaculation
-Persistent pain in the bones, lower back, hip and thighs
-General ill health, loss of appetite, and decline in weight

If the cells from the cancerous prostrate break away, the cancer will spread. Most commonly, prostate cancer spreads to the lymph nodes, bones in the hips or the lower back, lungs, and sometimes even the brain.

Risk factors:
The risk of prostate cancer increases with age. As with almost any other cancer, heredity also plays a key role. For reasons unknown, African-American men seem to have a higher risk of prostate cancer. A fat-rich diet and sedentary lifestyle also contributes to the risk. Fat causes an increased production of testosterone, which may in turn lead to the development of cancer cells. High levels of testosterone mean higher chances of developing prostate cancer. Therefore men who suffer from hypogonadism, or have been undergoing long-term testosterone treatments are at risk. A vasectomy may also result in prostate cancer, though there is no conclusive proof of this.

A routine screening test may reveal the beginnings of prostate cancer. A DRE (Digital Rectal Examination), which involves inserting a gloved finger into the rectum, helps the doctor to examine the prostate. Any change in shape or size of the gland may mean trouble. A prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test analyzes a blood sample for the levels of PSA. If a higher than normal level is detected, a prostate infection or cancer may be suspected. A transrectal ultrasound helps to further evaluate the prostate using sound waves. If initial tests produce positive results, a prostate biopsy may be done to verify the presence of cancer. If cancer is confirmed, the next step is to investigate the spread of the cancer. A bone scan, CT scan, and Ultrasound scan may be used for this.

The mode of treatment directly depends on how aggressive the cancer is. For most men, a combination of treatments (surgery, radiation paired with hormone therapy, chemotherapy) may prove effective.

The best way to reduce the risk from prostate cancer is to eat a diet rich in fiber and low in fat. Regular exercise also helps.

How to Fight Prostate Cancer


A brief overview of prostate cancer and thge effects of diet.

prostate cancer

Over the past few years Prostate Cancer has been targeted by health authorities as the largest hidden killer of men over 45 years of age. Although there have been advances in education and general public awareness, men are still demonstrating reluctance to acknowledge the need for vigilance in their everyday lives.

There are a number of ways that men can reassure themselves however.

Here is a list of facts and suggestions collated from a number of sources that you should know about.

One in every 6 men will suffer from prostate problems in their lives. So there is no need to feel isolated or a victim. Just take action and get to a doctor quickly at the first sign.
It is almost certain that quick action will lead to successful recovery. The sooner you visit your doctor and get referred to a Urologist the better your chances of successful treatment.

There is hope for the future. In 2002, scientists at Liverpool University in the UK isolated the gene that promotes the spread of prostate cancer. This information is still being explored to hopefully produce new drugs which will assist treatment of Prostate cancer outside of the normal Chemotherapy regimes currently in use.

Dietary habits are the common thread in most of the literature about prostate cancer.

?Dairy products should be eliminated and replaced by soya. Just a couple of glasses of soy milk a day can have dramatic effects.
?Lyocopene contained in tomatoes is another factor showing up in studies as an effective preventative element of a prostate cancer fighting diet. Eating one moderately sized tomato a day also provides approximately 4 mg of lycopene. Other tomato products, such as an 8-ounce portion of tomato juice or tomato paste may provide up to 25 mg of lycopene. See
?Other fruits and vegetables are also recommended, such as avocadoes, pumpkins, beans and carrots and green leafy vegetables like spinach.
?Garlic, which seems to pop up in every preventative healthy diet plan is also recommended as it contains allicin, which decreases the proliferation of cancer cells.
?Selenium which is found in garlic, tomatoes, and broccoli has also been shown to be effective.

Cut back on salt and seasonings as these have been linked to cancer.

Finally, green tea is a popular choice as a beverage so drink at least 6 cups a day.

All in all there are plenty of reasons to be positive about controlling the risk of contracting prostate Cancer. A healthy diet as outlined above, coupled with most others advocated by Dietician everywhere, will dramatically reduce your concerns and help you lead a normal healthy long life.

How to Read Food Labels

You cannot measure every morsel that passes your lips, but it is a good idea to measure most foods and beverages until you get a feel for portion sizes.

It is a supersized world out there, and most people are surprised to find that their idea of a single serving is actually two or three.

If you are into bells and whistles, there are food scales that are preprogrammed with nutritional information, as well as scales that will keep a running total of your daily food and nutrient intake for you. The only tools you really need, however, are a simple and inexpensive gram scale, dry and liquid measuring cups, and idea on reading food labels.

Among all of the mentioned tools, reading food labels seem to be the most effective way of determining the right kind of food to be bought in the supermarket. It lets you make sensible food selections. Through the “Nutrition Facts” section in a particular item in the grocery, you can identify the amount of serving sizes provided in that product.

With food labels, you can clearly understand the amount and kinds of nutrients that are provided in the item. Usually, it contains the information on saturated fat, sodium, total fat, fiber, and cholesterol amount “per serving.”

However, understanding and reading these food labels can be very perplexing. A typical consumer would definitely ask what those numbers mean and how it will affect her diet intake if ever she will religiously follow the serving guide as stipulated on the food label.

To further have a clear and more comprehensive understanding of the items stated in the food label, here is a list of things that you need to know:

1. Serving size

This is the primary item you will see in a food label.

The amount of servings stated in the food label refers to the quantity of food people usually consume. However, this does not necessarily mean that it reflects your very own amount of food intake.

Moreover, serving size determines the amount of nutrients that enters the body. This means that if you will follow strictly what the serving size is, you will obtain the same amount of nutrients according to the serving size that was given in the label.

For instance, if the serving size says one serving size is equal to 54 grams, that would mean you have to measure 54 grams and eat that and you have just eaten one serving. So to speak, the amount of nutrients stated in the food label is the same amount that has entered your body considering the fact that you have just eaten 54 grams.

However, if you have eaten everything, and the food label says that each pack is equivalent to 4 servings, you have to calculate the amount of nutrients that have entered your body. This means that if the food label says 250 calories per serving that means you have to multiply it to four to get the total amount of calories you have taken.

2. Nutrients

This refers to the list of available nutrients in a particular item. It is also where the nutritional claims of the product based on the recommended daily dietary allowance are stated. Usually, the nutritional amounts are based on both the 2,500-calorie diets and the 2,000 recommended dietary allowances.

In order to understand the numeric value of each item, you should know that the “% daily value” that the food label indicates is actually based on how a particular food corresponds to the recommended daily dietary allowance for a 2,000 calorie.

If in the event that you have purchased an item that has a dietary allowance different from the 2,000-calorie diet, you just have to divide the stipulated amount by 2,000 and you will be able to identify the “%daily value” for the nutrients.

3. Ingredients

This refers to the list of the ingredients that were used to manufacture the product. The listing is usually arranged from the main ingredients that have the greater amount by weight up to the smallest quantity. This simply means that the actual quantity of the food includes the biggest quantity of the main ingredient or the first item and the minimum amount of the very last ingredient.

4. Label claim

This refers to the kinds of nutritional claims of a particular food item. For instance, if an item says it is sodium-free, it has less than 5 milligrams per serving or a low fat item actually contains 3 grams of fat or less.

Indeed, reading food labels can be very tedious and confusing. Nevertheless, once you get the hang of it, it would be easier for you to watch your diet because you can already control the amount of food that you take.

Cure skin cancer natural treatment


Cure skin cancer natural supplements alternative treatment
Did you know the majority of your sun exposure occurs before the age of 18, but can take years to surface as skin cancer? Get the information you need to participate in your care and recovery.

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Cure skin cancer natural supplements alternative treatment
Did you know the majority of your sun exposure occurs before the age of 18, but can take years to surface as skin cancer? Get the information you need to participate in your care and recovery.

Beauty is only skin deep. But skin cancer goes much deeper. Teens quest for beauty not worth the cancer risk.

We think that this occurs only to the people of the mother’s age but it occurs to the teenagers also. Skin cancer can be cured at its initial stage with the treatment and the precautions that are to be followed when suggested by the physician. But it goes deeper if it is abandoned for some period after its appearance. So we should be careful enough and take care of our skin.

Skin Cancer occurs mainly in people with fair skin, light eyes, and those who tend to freckle or burn easily during and after exposure to the sunlight. A history of 3 or more
sunburns, particularly blistering sunburns (before age 20) greatly increases risk. A history of severe sunburns in childhood and adolescence may actually double the risk of melanoma in adulthood.

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the main cause of skin cancer. Energy from the sun actually is a form of radiation. It consists of visible light and other rays that people can’t see. Invisible infrared radiation, for instance, makes sunlight feel hot. UV also is invisible, and causes sunburn and sun tan. UV rays damage DNA, the genetic material that makes up genes. Genes control the growth and overall health of skin cells. If the genetic damage is severe, a normal skin cell may begin to grow in the uncontrolled, disorderly way of cancer cells. UV also can cause sunburn, and other damage that makes the skin look prematurely old and wrinkled.

Two kinds of rays exist in ultraviolet radiation invisible rays in sunlight that cause suntan, sunburn, premature skin aging, and most cases of skin cancer.:
* Ultraviolet A (UVA)
* Ultraviolet B (UVB)

Some cases of skin cancer, however, may be hereditary and run in families. In those cases, skin cancer is caused by abnormal genes that children inherit from their parents.
Genes make parents and children look somewhat alike. They also make them likely to get some of the same diseases.

Anyone can get skin cancer. Although most cases occur in people over age 50 with fair skin, it can develop in younger people, and those with dark skin. In general, an individual’s lifetime exposure to UV light determines his risk. Certain individuals have a risk that is higher than the rest of the population. Included are people who:
?Have light skin that freckles easily and tends to burn rather than tan. Individuals with blond or red hair and blue or light gray eyes often have fair skin.
?Live in geographic regions closer to the equator, where sunlight is strongest.
? Work outdoors or spend lots of time in leisure activities in the sun.
?Already have had skin cancer. These individuals must take great care to minimize UV exposure and follow other preventive measures.

An adult’s risk of skin cancer may be decided during childhood. Most people get the majority of their lifetime sun exposure before reaching 18 years of age.

Skin cancer first appears as a growth, or abnormal accumulation of cells. It sometimes takes the form of a sore or pimple that does not heal.. Cancer can occur on almost area of the skin, but is most common on areas often exposed to the sun. Skin cancer usually is painless.

The most common indications are:
1. A new growth on the skin.
2. A change in an existing skin growth.
3. A sore that does not heal.

Not all changes in the skin are symptoms of skin cancer. Most moles and other growths are harmless and do not need to be removed. Moles that are unattractive, or in areas where they are constantly irritated by clothing, can be removed by a doctor. The average person has dozens of moles and other skin growths that are benign on-cancerous, a growth that does not spread to other parts of the body or damage normal tissue or non-cancerous. They include:

* Birthmarks or congenital nevi
* Acquired moles
* Liver spots or solar lentigines,
* Seborrheic keratoses
* Acquired cherry angiomas
* Skin tags
* Actinic keratoses

Doctors often measure the success of cancer treatment in terms of the five-year survival rate. A person usually is considered to be cured if he or she is alive and without any trace of skin cancer five years after first being diagnosed. The chances of a cure depend on many factors, including how early the disease was diagnosed and effectively treated.

People who are treated for skin cancer should see their doctor for regular follow-up visits. Follow-up visits allow the doctor to check the tumor site to make sure that the cancer has not come back in the same place, or recurred. If it does recur, additional treatment will be needed.

The individuals who have developed skin cancer once have a higher risk for the disease in other skin sites. Therefore, it is very important for these individuals to have regular medical checkups, examine their skin regularly, and take sun exposure precautions.

The individuals who have developed skin cancer once have a higher risk for the disease in other skin sites. Therefore, it is very important for these individuals to have regular medical checkups, examine their skin regularly, and take sun exposure precautions.
Preventing cancer is preferable than treating it.

Treatment for skin cancer depends on several factors including: the stage of the cancer (whether or not it has spread), type of cancer, size and location, and the patient’s general health. Depending on these factors, treatment may include surgery, radiation therapy,
chemotherapy, and/or photodynamic therapy (uses drug and certain kind of laser light to kill cancer cells).4 The best treatment options should be discussed with your physician.

The goal of treating skin cancer is to destroy or remove the cancer completely with minimal scarring of your skin. Your treatment options for the disease depend on a
number of factors, including the location of the lesion on the skin and the type and stage of the cancer (how far it has spread).

Generally, the treatment for skin cancer will depend on the following:

* The thickness of your cancer
* Whether or not it has spread to deeper levels of your skin or other areas of your body
* The mitotic index (an indication of how quickly the cancer cells are growing and reproducing)
* The number of regional lymph nodes involved
* Ulceration or bleeding at the primary site
* Microscopic satellites (spreading of pigment from the mole to surrounding skin)
* Your age and general health

The following steps are recommended to protect the skin and to prevent skin cancer:
* Cover up tightly woven clothing at blocking out sun and keeping it from damaging the skin.
* Use sunscreens by frequently apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF)
* Wear a hat. A wide-brimmed hat is better because it will protect the ears, neck, eyes, forehead, nose and scalp.
* Wear UV-absorbent sunglasses. Even inexpensive sunglasses can be effective.
* Limit sun exposure. The rays of the sun are the strongest, and thus cause the most damage, between 10am and 4pm.
* Avoid tanning beds. Tanning beds are not a safe way to get a tan because they expose the skin to UV radiation, just like the sun does.
* Checking medications. Some prescription drugs can increase your sensitivity to sunlight, putting you at greater risk for sunburn.

In addition, all women should schedule regular skin examinations with a doctor. Routine examinations by a doctor qualified to diagnose skin cancer are important for those with a low or normal risk and are especially so for those with an increased risk of developing skin cancer. For individuals who have had skin cancer before, it is best to follow the treating doctor’s recommendations for follow-up care. In between clinical exams, monthly self-examinations are recommended.

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Prostate Cancer ?Morality vs. Science


For illnesses like prostate cancer, morality is on the verge of being sent to the wayside in an effort to allow high risk individuals to be tested for the prostate cancer gene long before they reach the age in which prostate cancer will spring up within their bodies.

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With such widespread diseases as prostate and various other forms of cancer, there are concerns which eventually arise about the treatments and tests for such illnesses. Because such illnesses are so prevalent in developed countries, diseases like cancers and diabetes are widely studied by research institutions all over the world in hopes that there will be better cures and quicker tests to determine if someone has the illness or not. However, by developing such treatments, preventative measures and genetic tests, people fall into the problem of what constitutes morality. For illnesses like prostate cancer, morality is on the verge of being sent to the wayside in an effort to allow high risk individuals to be tested for the prostate cancer gene long before they reach the age in which prostate cancer will spring up within their bodies.

Perhaps the biggest debate over prostate cancer morality is whether or not scientists should develop early screening tests for the illness in high risk patients. Due to the extremely high genetic correlation between those affected by prostate cancer and the probability of their children getting the disease when they are older, a genetic test would be an excellent way to help people realize if they will have prostate cancer in the future or not.

Unfortunately for the technologies which could ultimately screen for prostate cancer, morality soon enters the debate. If people find out when they are young that they will have a high risk for prostate cancer at age sixty or so, they may have a slightly traumatic experience growing up and feeling that they will die at around age sixty ?especially if there is no cure for prostate cancer by that time. Furthermore, they would have difficulty finding health insurance ?as no self respecting insurance agency will want to insure a person who will be catching a costly disease at age sixty. These are two major concerns from a point of prostate cancer morality.

On the opposite side of the argument, however, people who say that prostate cancer morality should take a back seat to scientific advancement proclaim the benefits of early genetic testing. People should be aware of the status of their health. If more people were to receive blood tests to determine if they are at risk for prostate cancer, they would go get more prostate exams which would in turn lower the mortality rate for prostate cancer. After all, it is pretty difficult for those who support prostate cancer morality to argue against less people dying.

The whole battle between prostate cancer morality and the necessary science to help cure people will certainly turn into a raging debate in the future. Ultimately, the outcome will determine how well we handle other emerging diseases and whether or not we will do whatever it takes to combat them.

Ovarian Cancer Research


Ovarian Cancer Research

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Ovarian cancer is a silent killer and is one of the deadliest threats to women’s health. The American Cancer Society says that about 20,180 American women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year alone. Every woman faces a risk of 1:57 risk of getting ovarian cancer in her lifetime.

The symptoms of ovarian cancer are not perceptible until the cancer becomes widespread and critical, which explains why thousands of women die of this dreaded disease every year. Although ovarian cancer is treatable, in most instances, it is detected late causing complications and death to ovarian cancer patients.

Since to date there is no sure and effective way to diagnose or detect ovarian cancer in its early stage, specialists, research groups and cancer advocacy groups and the government organizations are doing every ovarian cancer research work they can to finally shed light into the gray areas of this deadly disease. Some organizations provide grants for those willing and interested to conduct an ovarian cancer research.

Among the most prominent organizations that promote awareness on ovarian cancer is the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance. It was formed in 1997 by seven ovarian cancer advocacy groups who joined forces to strengthen efforts to promote ovarian cancer education.

Ovarian cancer research teams probe into several areas of ovarian cancer including its symptoms (both in the early and the latter stage), stages, risk factors, prevention, risk reduction, and treatment, with the aim of increasing awareness on this cancer. Knowledge on the said areas can be a woman’s greatest protection against this cancer.

However apart from the fact that there are many information gaps that still need to be filled, ovarian cancer researches are conducted in response to this cancer’s high mortality rate. In the United States, ovarian cancer is the fifth among the gynecologic cancers that place women at the brink of death. Over 50% of all women diagnosed with the disease are about to die within a period of five years, researches show. It is with this fact that ovarian cancer research groups are exerting their best effort to uncover hidden truths about ovarian cancer.

Most ovarian cancer researches reveal that women with ovarian cancer show the following symptoms: persistent and baffling gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea, digestive disturbances, bloating or swelling of the abdomen, pain in the abdominal and pelvic area, fatigue, frequent urinating, and abnormal bleeding during the postmenopausal stage.

A recent ovarian cancer research conducted by University of California shows that more than one-third of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer have shown the symptoms at least four months before they have been diagnosed with the cancer; hence, there’s a good chance that ovarian cancer can be diagnosed earlier.

Researchers explained that the reason why the cancer is detected only when it’s already in its advanced state is that doctors do not perform tests that could possibly diagnose the cancer immediately. Doctors would usually have the patients undergo abdominal imaging and some gastrointestinal procedures, which they say re not that effective in diagnosing this disease.

Other ovarian cancer research works are concerned about improving treatment of ovarian cancer and preventing this disease. Many clinical studies are conducted to carefully analyze a drug’s potential in preventing high-risk women from developing ovarian cancer and in treating those in the early and latter stages of the cancer.

Using Folic Acid as a Supplement

As vitamins and supplements go, folic acid is a B vitamin that is known mainly for its ability to fight cardiovascular disease. Folic acid is found naturally in green leafy vegetables and legumes, but if you don’t eat enough of these, it’s a good idea to take folic acid as a supplement. If you don’t get enough folic acid in your diet, you may be unnecessarily risking the possibility of heart problems and other serious illnesses. Studies have proven that the right amount of folic acid in your blood stream can go a long way towards fighting cardiovascular disease, specifically the blocked arteries caused by having high levels of homocysteine in your blood stream.

If you never heard of homocysteine, you are not alone. This is a fairly newly discovered danger to the arteries in the head and neck, and is partially responsible for the blockage of these arteries. Homocysteine is a type of amino acid in the blood, which becomes oxidized and releases an excess of the vicious free radical called superoxide. Homocysteine is similar to cholesterol in the way that it begins to block blood vessels, which can trigger a heart attack or stroke. This danger can affect some 30 to 40% of older adults in the United States.

The good news is that deficiencies in folic acid are easy to fix. Just taking a folic acid supplement of 400 to 1,000 micrograms a day can help save someone with low folic acid levels form a heart attack. The right amount of folic acid can be found in an over-the-counter multivitamin. Along with vitamins B12 and B6, you have the perfect formula to help prevent heart attacks.

Folic acid supplements can also help block and reverse cancer, even after premalignant cells are found. This is because the levels of folic acid may not be uniform throughout the body. So, targeted cells for cancer can actually be deficient in folic acid. Studies on cervical cancer have shown that women with lower folic acid levels in the blood cells around the cervix were five times more likely to develop pre-cancerous cells in the cervix area. By taking folic acid supplements and raising the level of folic acid in the entire body, the spread of cancer to healthy cells in unprotected areas of the body may be blocked.

Folic acid supplements can also help preserve normal brain function as you grow older. Regularly taken folic acid supplements can help prevent memory loss, depression, and dementia, which are much more common in older people who have low levels of folic acid. For younger people, folic acid seems to improve memory, concentration, and emotional stability. All of this can be accomplished with moderate doses of folic acid supplements.

Folic acid is available in foods like dried beans, spinach, collard greens, and citrus fruits. However, your body only generally absorbs about fifty percent of the folic acid in food. Foods rich in folic acid are still good for you, but if you want all of the benefits of folic acid, it is still wise to take a folic acid supplement. This is especially true if you want the added benefits of preventing cancer, cardiovascular disease, or other more serious illnesses.

Remember the power of folic acid becomes even more powerful when combined with vitamin B12 and B6. The recommended dose of all three is available in a standard multivitamin, available at pharmacy or grocery store.

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